Meet Early Learning Centre

a space for children to laugh, learn and play

At Early Learning Centre families and children are welcomed into our warm homely spaces. A place where connections are made , childrens voices are heard and learning and growth is just apart of the fun. 

About Us

About Us Early Learning Centre is a family owned and operated purpose-built centre.

Open from 6.30AM – 6.30PM Mon – Fri excluding public holidays

We have highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Educators.
Providing nurturing education and care for families with children from 6 weeks old – 6 years old. Including Pre kinder and Kindergarten programs in our curriculum.
Showcasing five large environments with natural and constructed resources opening up to our large outdoor areas full of lush and natural play spaces.

Our Services

      • Approved Learning Framework curriculum
      • Access to story park
      • Individual care routines
      • Weekly sports program
      • School readiness program
      • Bush Kinder
      • Permanent Educators in rooms
      • Nutritious meals and snacks provided
      • Centre pets
      • Excursions / incursions linking children to community
      • Yearly calendar of special events
      • Thriving veggie and fruit garden
      • Multi Language Program
      • Focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Culture

Our Learning spaces

Each learning space is individually considered for the age and children with in it .Ensuring care and education is provided by permanent  educators  in a seamless and safe environment. 

Scarlett Oak

Scarlett Oak (6 w - 12 m)

Ensuring individual care routines are met and sensory rich play spaces to encourage play, learning and attachments.

Willow Oak

Willow Oak (12m - 24 m)

Our active babies room provides a safe space for children to practice and develop new skills. Learning how to self feed, climb, run and communicate. Encouraging lots of exploration in both our indoor and outdoor spaces.

Bur Oak

Bur Oak (2 y - 3 y)

A space that encourages children’s to find their voice and develop independence and self-help skills such as dressing and toileting.

Chestnut Oak

Chestnut Oak (3 y - 4 y) Pre-Kinder

Our Pre-Kinder room provides space and opportunity for children to develop and explore friendships. A strong sense of child led learning allows children to reflect, problem solve and develop agency.

Valley Oak (4 y - 5 y) Kindergarten

Out government-funded Kindergarten and Bush Kinder program provides the space for children to inquire and explore. The Kindergarten curriculum ensures that children’s transition to school ready.

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